Online Learning at Forensic Academy Africa aims at communication-orientated education with the tutor or facilitator as an examiner and discussion leader. A shared understanding of a topic promotes socialisation and group skills like communication, listening and participation.
Correspondence Learning at Forensic Academy Africa underscores the principal assumption that students learn better when they discover things themselves and control the pace of learning, aiming at learner-centred active education with the tutor or facilitator providing support rather than direction.
Face-to-face learning at Forensic Academy Africa aims to process and transfer new knowledge into long-term memory to improve students' cognitive processing abilities and recall and retention of memories. Prior knowledge of students affects the level of instructional support.
Forensic Academy Africa (Pty) Ltd (Previously Outsourced Learner Management) is accredited as a Skills Development Provider, including for Online Learning, with the Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority (SASSETA) – ID 081985269877 and awaits the result of its re-accreditation application at the Quality Council for Trades & Occupations (QCTO) – QCTOSDP01190829-1792 for the Occupational Certificate: Fraud Examiner.